
This page is a quick snapshot of the status of Australian Football in Vanuatu. For further information, browse our news items or use the search facility. If you wish to contact football officials from the country, please search our site for links to their leagues or clubs, including in our Atlas. If unsuccessful, we can normally assist with putting people in touch.

Approx population (2009):   240,000

National side:   -

Governing body:   -

Primary contact / link:   none

WFN Census (2004):   none

WFN World Ranking (2008):   not ranked

History:   Apparently around 2008 the AFL non-contact version of Australian football, known as Rec Football, was introduced by an Australian couple from the Gold Coast, leading to senior sides and Auskick for juniors.

Outlook (2009):   Difficult to judge but certainly greater now that the AFL looks to Oceania for fresh talent. Will need to transition to the full contact version before we see them at events like the International Cup.

Other points of interest:   -