World Rankings - Criteria

For our latest rankings and links to the ranking method, see World Rankings - Current.

Here we discuss what games to include in our statistical analysis.

The complete list of included Men's matches can be found here: Men's World Rankings - Matches

In formulating the above rules there was plenty of discussion amongst the editors, writers and readers - too much to summarise here, but interested readers can search the website for world rankings to find numerous examples. The discussion did lead to some adjustments such as to which games were included. National "B" sides will not be included in the Men's rankings. For the Women's there is more leniency due to the smaller number of nations competing overall.

Perhaps hardest to find consensus on is the inclusion of hybrid teams (featuring players from multiple nations, such as Indochina or European Crusaders). In general they will be excluded unless the players almost exclusively only play for the hybrid, i.e. all their national sides are mostly not yet playing at all regularly.