World Rankings as at end 22nd October 2016
There is currently no official system of World Rankings for Australian Football, as the international game is still mostly amateur, still maturing and there are often difficulties in nations having all their best players available. However, due to popular demand, has been providing rankings since 2006.
This is our first formal World Rankings since August 2016, and follows the completion of the 2016 All Asia Championships in Vietnam and a one-off International Test between Great Britain and Ireland in Dublin.
The contesting of the inaugural All Asia Championships on Friday 14th October saw the debut of a new international Australian Football entity, Team IndoChina. The Team IndoChina concept is similar to the European Crusaders in that it draws local Asian players from the Indochina Nations that are currently unable to field a full national side. This first edition of Team IndoChina was formed with players from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. At this stage has decided to treat the entity as per any other international side.
China is a fully ranked nation whilst Indonesia is provisionally ranked, now only one game away from becoming fully ranked. Team IndoChina debuted with the standard 40 rating points but must reach eight matches to enter the proper rankings table.
Note no actual positional changes in ranks occurred as a result of all these matches.
Sadly Samoa, once an emerging footy powerhouse, has now slipped off our rankings, having not played a recognised international for over 8 years. But welcome “Team IndoChina” to the international Australian Football family of nations - but what flag will you fly under?
World Footy News Australian Football World Rankings
(as at end of 22nd October)
Rank | Team | Points | Games | Rank Change | |
1 | | Australia | - | steady | |
2 | | Papua New Guinea | 57.66 | 34 | steady |
3 | | New Zealand | 55.09 | 38 | steady |
4 | | Ireland | 53.98 | 54 | steady |
5 | | Nauru | 53.30 | 27 | steady |
6 | | South Africa | 49.63 | 27 | steady |
7 | | Great Britain | 48.38 | 59 | steady |
8 | | United States | 47.61 | 43 | steady |
9 | | Canada | 46.69 | 43 | steady |
10 | | Denmark | 43.67 | 47 | steady |
11 | | Tonga | 41.93 | 14 | steady |
12 | | Croatia | 40.35 | 8 | steady |
13 | | Fiji | 40.18 | 14 | steady |
14 | | France | 39.09 | 13 | steady |
15 | | Germany | 37.44 | 20 | steady |
16 | | Japan | 37.17 | 29 | steady |
17 | | Peace Team | 36.46 | 11 | steady |
18 | | Sweden | 34.18 | 39 | steady |
19 | | China | 30.91 | 18 | steady |
20 | | Finland | 27.45 | 18 | steady |
21 | | India | 23.01 | 16 | steady |
Prov. | | Indonesia | 36.58 | 7 | * |
Dorm. | | Iceland | 35.64 | 4 | ** |
Prov. | | IndoChina | 34.00 | 2 | * new |
Prov. | | Pakistan | 32.35 | 5 | * |
Prov. | | Timor-Leste | 27.40 | 6 | * |