Bulldogs 0, Volcano 1
- Tuesday, April 27 2010 @ 07:00 pm ACST
- Contributed by: Adam Bennett - AFL England President
- Views: 2,824
In this age of growing footy throughout the world, the challenges facing the organisers of the largely amateur-status sport are many. Finance, player availability, available venues etc. One of the things you don't expect to come up against too often is Mother Nature.
However, with the eruption in the Eyjafjallajoekull area of Iceland spewing volcanic ash over most of Northern Europe from Wednesday 17th April and still going strong a week later, virtually all flights were cancelled, including those carrying the GB Bulldogs over to Copenhagen, to play the re-match of the Bulldogs' narrow victory last October in London.
"It is absolutely gutting", said Captain Adam Bennett. "To have put so much work into getting the squad, travel, accommodation and everything organised, to then having everything taken out of your control is really disappointing." Spare a thought as well for Sam Brunton, one of the Bulldogs' most promising youngsters, who travelled out early, on one of the last flights to leave the UK, only to find out that the rest of the squad would not be joining him. He's a great player, but I'm not sure even he can play 18 spots at once.
In the last free weekend before the AFL Britain season starts for the various leagues on May 8th, there is no chance of getting the match re-scheduled. With the Bulldogs travelling to Denmark in August for the inaugural European Championships though, there should still be the opportunity to play their Nordic neighbours this year. Hopefully for that trip, the elements and geological events will be on the team's side!