Welcome to World Footy News Saturday, March 15 2025 @ 11:03 am ACDT

2014 Solomons league takes flight on Saturday


The Solomon Islands AFL (SIAFL) is gearing up for the start of the 2014 league competition this weekend. With a grand opening ceremony to take place this Saturday (29th March) at the KGVI (King George VI) oval in East Honiara.

The SIAFL invite all members of the public to come along - hotdogs and soft drink will be provided for all players with players required to be at KGVI Oval by 12:00pm sharp on the day.

The following is as reported in the Solomon Star newspaper website AFL set to kick off

Organisers have invited those interested in watching the sport to turn up in numbers at the games venue.

“We invite all lovers of the game to come down and enjoy the speed, hardness and skill that AFL offers.”

In junior footy, select classes from St Nicholas Primary and Kukum SDA will come together for a friendly match of AFL during week 10, the statement added.

“Students have been participating in Solkick clinics over recent weeks and are eager to try out their new skills in an actual Solkick match.”

Organisers said there will be one boy’s side and one girl’s side representing each school.

SIAFL said its focus for the competition is on fun, development and promoting healthy and active lifestyles.

“We also seek to strengthen community relations by bringing the two schools together for the event. Prizes will also be awarded on the day.”

There was also huge turnout at last week’s open Solkick clinic at Woodford oval.

Any kids wishing to participate are invited to join in on Saturday mornings starting at 8:30am. All primary aged boys and girls are welcome.

Organisers said there is still two training sessions available for interested players: - White River on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30pm and KG oval on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00pm.

On Saturday, Francis Ramo, Peter Nuku, and a few other players from varying clubs took part in a short fitness testing session.

Tests included: - a 35m sprint, 100m sprint, AFL agility test and the beep test. These two boys are awaiting confirmation on opportunities to play internationally and we wish them all the very best.