Welcome to World Footy News Friday, March 14 2025 @ 09:52 pm ACDT

New Zealand Academy squad hope to follow Barclay Miller


Hot on the heels of St Kilda FC signing Barclay Miller, their third international scholarship from New Zealand – the footy news just keeps rolling in with the announcement of the New Zealand Hawks Academy preliminary squad that will travel to Sydney later this month.

The training squad will be reduced to a travelling squad announced Monday March 16; before heading to Sydney to take on a combined NSW Independent Secondary Schools squad as well as the Sydney Swans Academy. (Just don’t let Eddie McGuire know about it). The final hit out for before selection is the inaugural Academy National League being held at Parrs Park in Auckland across the weekend of March 14 and 15. So far 3 rounds of Academy matches have been played since kicking off in early February.

Region School First Name Last Name DOB
WellingtonWellington CollegeUtusa’itoaAh Kuoi18/5/1998
WellingtonAotea CollegeAlexAwatere10/10/1998
AucklandGreenbay High SchoolCarlosDonnell-Brown21/8/1998
NorthlandBay of Islands CollegeBenArmstrong7/9/1998
HamiltonTai WanangaJacksonRolleston4/10/1998
WellingtonSt Patrick’s College, SilverstreamConnorMcGeough20/3/1999
WellingtonWellington CollegeJamesWatkins24/6/1998
HarbourNorthcote CollegeLewisBarrow-Young5/6/2000
NorthlandBay of Islands CollegeMaxStuart14/8/1999
AucklandSt Pauls CollegeCullenMarsters11/12/1999
AucklandSacred Heart CollegeSebastianValladares Roman (Serrano)27/2/1999
WellingtonPorirua CollegeMisilifi (Richard)Faimalo4/5/1999
AucklandSt Pauls CollegeJoelBrown18/6/1999
WellingtonHutt Valley High SchoolMitchellStringer25/5/1999
CanterburyMiddleton GrangeBarclayMiller25/11/1998
WellingtonWellington High SchoolNaitoaAh Kuoi7/10/1999
WellingtonWellington CollegeSamGreen16/2/1999
WellingtonWellington CollegeDylanAbsalom2/2/1998
WellingtonSt Pats, SilverstreamWilliamKempt6/9/2000
WaitakereGreenbay High SchoolDeclanCrann29/5/2000
WaitakereLynfield CollegeAlistairMaisey14/4/1998
NorthlandKerikeri High SchoolJoeWadman1/9/1999
AucklandRosmini CollegeJoesephAlesich-Tamariki16/1/1999
WellingtonSt Patrick’s College, SilverstreamShaunHanning26/1/1999
NorthlandWhangarei Boys High SchoolLiamCaldwell13/8/1998
NorthlandWhangarei Boys High SchoolBlakeWilliamson24/7/2001
WellingtonTawa CollegeDamonChandler26/2/1999
CountiesAorere CollegeJarredLewis9/12/1999
NorthlandDargaville High SchoolIsraelIrving6/10/1998
NorthlandBay of Islands CollegeSouthenSmith17/10/1998
WaitakereGreenbay High SchoolNathanHalloran-Mclean4/11/2000
NorthlandKerikeri High SchoolJoshWoodham18/5/2000
HarbourNorthcote CollegeJakeTucker25/8/2000
AucklandSt Peters CollegeIsaacPiper9/3/2000
WaitakereLynfield CollegeMilanSundermann10/7/1998
CountiesSouthern Cross CampusMa vaeManuika18/12/1998
WaitakereGreenbay High SchoolJackMorris18/6/1999
NorthlandWhangarei Boys High SchoolJordanSkinner26/1/2000
NorthlandKerikeri High SchoolHarleySwinbourn – King17/6/1998
WellingtonWellington CollegeBrandonAbsalom11/9/2000

The squad is coached by Shannon Wall (Wellington), assistant coaches Chris Mundell and Mick Coultard (both Auckland). The Manager is Sam McKenzie (Wellington) and physio is Skye Rene (Northland)