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Vote for Austrian footy to receive 1000 Euro from ING

  • Thursday, March 19 2015 @ 08:53 am ACDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 2,161

Austrian Football in the form of the Styrian DownUnderDogs need you support.  They are taking part in the competition ' ING-DiBa Club Tausender' in Austria.

A total of 50,000 euros will be awarded to non-profit organizations nation-wide.  Every vote - counts as per category, the 10 clubs with the most votes receive 1,000 euros each for their club project.

Goto  https://www.ing-diba.at/vereinstausender/vereindetails?club_id=685.


That takes you to the DownUnderDogs voting page. Click on "stimme Abgeben" to start process. You'll then be asked to supply your email address twice and security code displayed.
Click on "abstimm codes anfordem" ( you don't have to tick newsletter). In a short time you should receive an email with three votes.

They are long codes, so copy and paste each vote at the original DownUnderDog's voting site. (tick box agreeing with conditions)

Each 24 hours generates 3 votes with 3 codes which are valid for 48 hours for you to vote for the DownUnderDogs.

If you "Like" ING-DiBa Austria on facebook you can request an additional vote: https://www.facebook.com/ingdibaaustria

I know that the Styrian DownUnderDogs as the voice of Australian Football in Austria "would be pleased if we get on your support to make the hottest sport in the world in Austria popular!"