Men's Rankings After Day Two TAC 2024
- Sunday, August 04 2024 @ 04:23 pm ACST
- Contributed by: Cam Homes
- Views: 1,279

WFN Men's Rankings After Day Two TAC 2024
Day Two saw Ireland 4th, soundly defeat newcomer Colombia in game one. The Rating Gap between these Nations exceeded 10.00 points so no rating Points were exchanged with Ireland remaining on 54.29 and Colombia joined the ranks as Provisional P1 with its 40.00 Starting Points.
Game 2. United States v France +/- 1.34 points were exchanged with Revolution 6th creeping closer to Nauru, and France 10th, slipping a little to 44.04 points.
Game 3. Great Britain 8th defeated Canada 11th with +/- 2.21 points being exhanged. the bulldogs gained enough to (49.11 points) to claim 7th rank above Denmark. Canada lost a little ground to 42.06 points
Rank Country Points Last Played
1 Australia 1
2 Papua New Guinea 61.99 2 39
3 New Zealand 57.88 3 43
4 Ireland 54.29 4 73
5 Nauru 52.97 5 32
6 United States 52.25 6 53
7 Great Britain 49.11 8 75
8 Denmark 47.45 7 51
9 South Africa 46.61 9 32
10 France 44.04 10 29
11 Canada 42.06 11 51
12 China 39.91 12 23
13 Croatia 39.87 13 24
14 Fiji 38.01 14 19
15 Germany 35.50 15 32
16 Japan 35.06 16 34
17 Sweden 34.18 17 39
18 Indonesia 30.94 18 12
19 Pakistan 39.14 19 10
20 India 20.71 20 21
P1 Colombia 40.00 - 1
P2 Sri Lanka 37.41 P1 5
P3 Indo China 34.00 P2 7
D Tonga 41.93 14
D Finland 27.45 15