IC08 Grand Final - NZ vs PNG - score-by-score updates
- Friday, September 05 2008 @ 04:35 pm ACST
- Contributed by: Brett Northey
- Views: 8,453

This article is being updated each time there is a score in the 2008 Australian Football International Cup, Friday 5th September 2008, between New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
New Zealand versus Papua New Guinea
1st Quarter - 5:07pm start (early), NZ to Punt Road end, no real breeze
4:53 - NZ Doran marks and goals from 30m in front - NZ 1.0 (6) PNG 0.0 (0)
6:56 - PNG Pinda marks and kicks from boundary, point - NZ 1.0 (6) PNG 0.1 (1)
7:50 - PNG Barry behind - NZ 1.0 (6) PNG 0.2 (2)
8:30 - NZ Congalton roves and goals - NZ 2.0 (12) PNG 0.2 (2)
10:20 - PNG Pirika - strong mark, checkside, point - NZ 2.0 (12) PNG 0.3 (3)
11:35 - PNG rushed - NZ 2.0 (12) PNG 0.4 (4)
15:10 - NZ Bradley marks, misses behind - NZ 2.1 (13) PNG 0.4 (4)
16:53 - NZ Monaghan free kick, goals - NZ 3.1 (19) PNG 0.4 (4)
2nd Quarter
1:29 - PNG Wartovo soccers half-volley, clears the pack, goal - NZ 3.1 (19) PNG 1.4 (10)
3:30 - PNG Pinder from 45m, 50 deg angle, point - NZ 3.1 (19) PNG 1.5 (11)
6:50 - NZ - Cunneen on the left, 40m, goal - NZ 4.1 (25) PNG 1.5 (11)
8:20 - NZ - Bradley free, 45m, point - NZ 4.2 (26) PNG 1.5 (11)
9:30 - PNG Pirika - mark, shot from 45m in front, goal - NZ 4.2 (26) PNG 2.5 (17)
15:00 - NZ Bradley - free - kick from 40m, goal - NZ 5.2 (32) PNG 2.5 (17)
16:30 - NZ Doran - free - pulls it from 50m, behind - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 2.5 (17)
3rd Quarter
0:50 - PNG Susuve behind from mark - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 2.6 (18)
3:00 - PNG Rava hooks, behind - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 2.7 (19)
3:30 - PNG Pinda behind - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 2.8 (20)
4:05 - PNG Barry behind - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 2.9 (21)
6:20 - PNG Pinda strong mark, goal - NZ 5.3 (33) PNG 3.9 (27)
7:50 - NZ Doran bombs, behind - NZ 5.4 (34) PNG 3.9 (27)
8:55 - NZ Bowden marks, double grab, goals from 40m goal - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 3.9 (27)
14:35 - PNG Pinda mark, point - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 3.10 (28)
16:50 - PNG Pirika mark, goal - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 4.10 (34)
Final Quarter
2:05 PNG Pirika snaps, touched off the boot, one point - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 4.11 (35)
5:15 PNG Pirika marks, behind - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 4.12 (36)
6:15 PNG Pirika marks in front, unstoppable, but kicks into man on the mark
7:00 PNG Barry, casual yet spectacular, snaps across the body, goal - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 5.12 (42)
9:30 PNG Pirika snaps, goal - NZ 6.4 (40) PNG 6.12 (48)
11:30 NZ Bradley marks, goal - NZ 7.4 (46) PNG 6.12 (48)
5 minutes left (17 minute quarters, no time on)
90 secs - down PNG's end
Siren - PNG wins
Final score
PNG 7.12 (54) - Pirika kicks banana goal after siren
NZ 7.4 (46)
Note there are some anomalies between the players we noted and the AFL's final results - we'll follow that up and make any necessary corrections (e.g. sometimes jumper numbers are belatedly changed if damaged).