Welcome to World Footy News Friday, January 03 2025 @ 05:11 am ACDT
Timor-Leste |
This page is a quick snapshot of the status of Australian Football in Timor-Leste. For further information, browse our news items or use the search facility. If you wish to contact football officials from the country, please search our site for links to their leagues or clubs, including in our Atlas. If unsuccessful, we can normally assist with putting people in touch.
Approx population (2009): 1 million
National side: The Crocodiles
Governing body: -
Primary contact / link: -
WFN Census (2004): none
WFN World Ranking (2008): not ranked
History: Timor-Leste (East Timor) gained independence from Indonesia in the late 1990s during a turbulent period which saw Australian peace keepers deployed. Through the 2000s the peace keepers have remained (at the request of the government and under the auspices of the UN) and some staff have conducted football clinics for the locals. Around 2007 the Crocs were formed as the country's national Australian football side and they competed in Australia at the Indigenous Community Division of the AFL Northern Territory's annual pre-season carnival in Darwin, October 2008. Participation in the national side has been by both locals and Australians.
Outlook (2010): There have been some positive signs with local players starting to get involved in the game, although it is very early days yet and is probably highly dependent on the ebb and flow of Australian peace keepers and aid workers.
Other points of interest:
Last Updated: Monday, November 01 2010 @ 07:47 pm ACDT| Hits: 4,152