Welcome to World Footy News Thursday, March 13 2025 @ 12:23 pm ACDT


This page is a quick snapshot of the status of Australian Football in Zimbabwe. For further information, browse our news items or use the search facility. If you wish to contact football officials from the country, please search our site for links to their leagues or clubs, including in our Atlas. If unsuccessful, we can normally assist with putting people in touch.

Approx population (2008):   13 million

National side:   Crocodiles (tentative)

Governing body:   none (was tentatively Australian Football Zimbabwe, not affiliated with the AFL and the website has lapsed)

Primary contact / link:   none

WFN Census (2004):   nil

WFN World Ranking (2008):   not ranked

History:   Zimbabwe has had a well documented tragic recent history, going from one of Africa's better developed, wealthier nations, to one suffering greatly. Australian football has had little or no presence there during that time, but Australian Larry Ferrier has made several attempts to get the game started, and maintains a website to gather support.

Outlook (from 2009):   If the political and economic situation stabilises, it is hoped that Ferrier will be able to kickstart the game in Zimbabwe. It may also be a candidate for the AFL's FootyWILD program. Given it shares a border with South Africa, the growing force in international Aussie Rules, Zimbabwe may be well placed to enjoy good football growth.

Other points of interest:   nil

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 23 2010 @ 05:13 pm ACDT| Hits: 5,494 View Printable Version