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IAFC unveils new international policy

  • Tuesday, December 07 2004 @ 01:14 am ACDT
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General News The International Australian Football Council has released details of a major overhaul of its structure, staffing, constitution and position in relation to the AFL and the AFL's stated position as world governing body. The following article is a release from the IAFC staff, as listed on their website. In the interests of transparency, please note that the author of this World Footy News story was heavily involved in the IAFC re-structure. Whilst I would prefer to be completely independent, international Australian football is still relatively small, so overlap is inevitable. I make it my highest priority to be unbiased. If anyone ever has any doubts about that, please contact me to discuss, as I would hate the credibility of this news service to be compromised.

Update: by early 2005 my views regarding the current incarnation of the IAFC had changed and I resigned my position and no longer advocate for them, nor support all the statements made below. It had become clear that the so-called IAFC was effectively not the same body as the original one, as member countries no longer supported it and had attempted to wind it up (whether that was done completely in a technical sense is debated but all our sources have confirmed it was a unanimous decision). What I had been lead to believe was the same IAFC was not supported by any countries with football leagues, not democratic (run by one self-appointed person) and not transparent in its deailngs, even with its own small number of volunteers.

Update: by 2006 all pretence of an existing IAFC appears to have been ended, hopefully closing an ugly and distracting chapter in Australian footy's attempts at internationalising.

Interview with a travelling footballer - a unique insight into Canadian and Irish footy

  • Tuesday, November 30 2004 @ 05:23 am ACDT
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General News These days plenty of expatriate Australians can claim to have played Australian football in more than one country, such as Australia and somewhere else. But few people have had the opportunity to play in established leagues in two countries, neither of which were the game's original home. Irishman John Enright is one such player, having grown up in Ireland, spent a year playing in the Ontario AFL in Canada, and now with a year under his belt with Leeside in the Irish league. worldfootynews.com thought John might have some unique insight into the state of the game in the two countries, and was pleased to interview this well-travelled football player.

Another role model for PNG footy is drafted

  • Saturday, November 20 2004 @ 11:31 pm ACDT
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General News AFL club St Kilda has made one of the shocks of AFL National Draft day, selecting a young man of PNG descent, from outside the elite talent programs. Hopefully his heritage will make him a further role model for the thousands of kids now playing footy in Papua New Guinea, just like Mal Michael of the Brisbane Lions, who has a huge profile in Australia\'s northern neighbour.

International Cup 2002 in Review

  • Tuesday, November 16 2004 @ 12:49 am ACDT
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General News

It has been two years since the inaugural International Cup, held in Melbourne. The event was a great success and plenty has been said and written about it, but there have been many new developments in the world of Australian Rules football, and hopefully a lot of new people have become interested in this emerging aspect of the game. So worldfootynews.com thought it would be worthwhile reviewing the 2002 event. Later, we will preview the 2005 tournament.

World Footy Census 2004 - ambitious plan unveiled

  • Saturday, October 30 2004 @ 11:35 pm ACST
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  • Views: 10,357
General News

Many historians have sifted through the early years of Australian Rules football, and often found it difficult to establish exactly when and where the game was played. In modern times, the sport's spread around the globe has often been largely under-estimated, but also sometimes exaggerated. As best that worldfootynews.com can determine, there is no repository of knowledge that will accurately show just how many countries, clubs, teams and players play Australian Rules football outside of its ancestral home, Australia. As such, worldfootynews.com is undertaking the daunting task of a World Footy Census. This is also the best time, given that it is near year's end and between seasons for most leagues around the world. But we'll need the help of the clubs.

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