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Euro snapshots complete

  • Wednesday, March 10 2010 @ 08:37 pm ACDT
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Site WFN has now completed its Country Snapshots section for Europe.

Other completed regions are Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and North, Central and South America. They are available from the pulldown menu above titled Countries.

Over the coming months we hope to finish the last region - Asia.

As always, let us know if there are any significant errors or omissions. We do realise that the Census data (2004) is well out of date, and there is some more recent data available. We'll hopefully address that at the end of the year.

South American snapshots completed

  • Thursday, November 05 2009 @ 10:20 pm ACDT
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  • Views: 3,140
Site WFN is pleased to announce that our snapshots for South American countries involved in Aussie Rules are now complete.

They can be accessed through the pull down menus at the top of the page, under Countries.

More regions will follow later in the year.

WFN on Twitter

  • Friday, June 26 2009 @ 07:43 am ACST
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worldfootynews.com has begun sending headlines to its Twitter page. At this stage it is a case of testing the water, so may not become a permanent fixture, and we only envisage running the same information as appears on our website. But for now, check us out at www.twitter.com/worldfooty

Country Snapshots

  • Wednesday, June 10 2009 @ 06:42 am ACST
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  • Views: 3,096
Site worldfootynews.com has a new section called Country Snapshots available from the pulldown menu Countries. Over the coming months we will be adding a brief summary of the status of Australian football in each country that has had some form of involvement in the game.

To be a truly complete record would require pages of information per country and need to be constantly updated, so these snapshots are not intended to replace a Google search or a search of our news articles and links - there's nothing like tapping a query into the search facility at the top left of our website. Rather, they are intended as a quick look for basic information, especially for people new to the world of international Aussie Rules.

The first region completed is Africa. As always, let us know if there are any significant errors or omissions.

Links section being updated

Site Please note that due to the growing number of clubs around the world, over the next month we will be updating the site's Links section; aiming for a more user-friendly layout. As such many links will appear in the What's New section whereas they have only moved category. Please leave a comment in this story or email us if you notice any errors, or alternatively click here to add your club, league or football website to our Links section.

Problem with Yahoo email

  • Tuesday, February 10 2009 @ 09:09 pm ACDT
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  • Views: 4,416
Site Just a warning to any of our readers that use Yahoo for their email. We've had some difficulty with Yahoo not passing on emails from worldfootynews.com, or delaying them by several days. If you have attempted to register with our website and did not receive your password then it is possible Yahoo did not release it to you - one would expect it to at least appear in a user's spam folder, but it seems Yahoo have a history of inexplicably locking out websites. So if you did not receive a response or think something was amiss, please contact us again, and perhaps try an email address other than Yahoo.

WFN maintenance

  • Sunday, January 18 2009 @ 12:30 am ACDT
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  • Views: 3,279
Site Please note that World Footy News has undergone a major upgrade of its software and unfortunately there are some problems yet to be fixed. They are known to include:

- major display problem with the browser Safari - FIXED
- possible major display problem with the browser Firefox 2, okay with Firefox 3 - FIXED
- RSS/RDF feed not updating - FIXED

These will be fixed as soon as possible.

Visible changes include the new menu across the top. Note that all options in the previous menu and the resources section previously on the right of the site have been integrated into this new menu.

Feel free to leave a comment if you encounter any problems other than those listed above.

Major WFN staff movements

  • Monday, November 10 2008 @ 07:20 pm ACDT
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Just as international footy continues to grow, so worldfootynews.com needs to expand if it is to do the game justice. We wish to advise our readers that we've had quite a few changes of staff in recent weeks, probably the most changes in our four year history.

Leaving us due to the demands of work and academic pursuits is Peter Parry, one of our stalwarts going back to pretty much our first days. Primarily covering International Rules, Peter contributed over 70 articles, with a particular interest in the bridge between Australian and Gaelic football at amateur club level, not just the elite Tests. He'll still be based in Adelaide (but previously spent time in Wales), and no doubt we will still see Peter popping on to WFN for a comment now and then.

Writers required

  • Tuesday, October 07 2008 @ 12:10 pm ACDT
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  • Views: 3,634

As football continues to expand its presence outside of Australia, greater news coverage is also required. Being a volunteer organisation our writers are limited by how much time they can commit to the site and occassionally we need to put out a request for assistance.

Our current areas of need are Oceania and the UK & Ireland. If you are keen to help out but lack the time to cover an area by yourself, we also require further assistance covering the USA and Europe. You don't need to be based in that particular area (most of our writers are in fact in Australia) nor do you need to have been involved with international football before. All you need is a spare hour or so a week and adequate writing skills.

We will give you support, provide plenty of contacts, and no particular computer skills are required - we'll show you how to upload your stories through a relatively simple web page. So if you have an interest in supporting international footy and getting a behind-the-scenes view on the game's growth, then consider volunteering to write for WFN. Contact Ash Nugent for more information through our About Us - Contact Us page (click on his name).

WFN makeover for IC08

  • Tuesday, August 19 2008 @ 05:58 am ACST
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  • Views: 3,418

With just a week to go before the start of the 3rd International Cup, worldfootynews.com will soon switch to a somewhat different appearance on the front page. We'll have the Pool ladders, short pieces of video (resources permitting) and quick links to information such as the draw, results, team details, public transport guide, Melbourne and Warrnambool weather and the AFL's International Cup page. Below that will be our regular accruing list of stories, with the focus obviously being on the IC08. During matches we hope to have regular score updates on the front page.

Hopefully readers will find it a quick way to find out what they want fast. A few days after the Cup we'll return to our normal layout.

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